Crux v2020-03-17 17:55:51Z Crux.Rest.ApiError exception View Source

Represents a Discord API error.

Raised or returned whenever the api responded with a non 2xx status code

Link to this section Summary


status_codeHTTP status code400, 404, 403
codeSee Discord's JSON Error Codes10006, 90001
messageMessage describing the errorUnknown Invite
pathPath of the request/invites/broken
methodHTTP verb:get, :post, :patch


Default implementation only providing a message for raise/2

Creates a full Crux.Rest.ApiError struct, returned / raised by all Crux.Rest functions in case of an API error.

Link to this section Types

Link to this type

t() View Source (since 0.1.0)
t() :: %Crux.Rest.ApiError{
  __exception__: true,
  code: integer() | nil,
  message: String.t(),
  method: atom(),
  path: String.t(),
  status_code: integer()

status_codeHTTP status code400, 404, 403
codeSee Discord's JSON Error Codes10006, 90001
messageMessage describing the errorUnknown Invite
pathPath of the request/invites/broken
methodHTTP verb:get, :post, :patch

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

exception(msg) View Source (since 0.1.0)
exception(message :: binary()) :: Exception.t()

Default implementation only providing a message for raise/2

Creates a full Crux.Rest.ApiError struct, returned / raised by all Crux.Rest functions in case of an API error.