Crux v2020-03-17 17:55:51Z Crux.Structs.Permissions View Source
Custom non discord api struct to help with working with permissions.
For more informations see Discord Docs.
Link to this section Summary
Union type of all valid permission name atoms.
All valid types which can be directly resolved into a permissions bitfield.
Represents a Crux.Structs.Permissions.t/0
Adds permissions to the base permissions.
Returns the integer value of all permissions summed up.
Resolves permissions for a user in a guild, optionally including channel permission overwrites.
Returns a map of all permissions.
Check whether the second permissions are all present in the first.
Resolves permissions for a user in a guild, optionally including channel permission overwrites.
Similar to has/2
but returns a Crux.Structs.Permissions.t/0
of the missing permissions.
Returns a list of all permission keys.
Creates a new Crux.Structs.Permissions.t/0
from a valid resolvable/0
Removes permissions from the base permissions
Resolves a resolvable/0
into a bitfield representing the set permissions.
Serializes permissions into a list of set name/0
Serializes permissions into a map keyed by name/0
with a boolean indicating whether the permission is set.
Link to this section Types
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(since 0.2.0)
name() ::
| :kick_members
| :ban_members
| :administrator
| :manage_channels
| :manage_guild
| :add_reactions
| :view_audit_log
| :priority_speaker
| :stream
| :view_channel
| :send_messages
| :send_tts_message
| :manage_messages
| :embed_links
| :attach_files
| :read_message_histroy
| :mention_everyone
| :use_external_emojis
| :connect
| :speak
| :mute_members
| :deafen_members
| :move_members
| :use_vad
| :change_nickname
| :manage_nicknames
| :manage_roles
| :manage_webhooks
| :manage_emojis
name() :: :create_instant_invite | :kick_members | :ban_members | :administrator | :manage_channels | :manage_guild | :add_reactions | :view_audit_log | :priority_speaker | :stream | :view_channel | :send_messages | :send_tts_message | :manage_messages | :embed_links | :attach_files | :read_message_histroy | :mention_everyone | :use_external_emojis | :connect | :speak | :mute_members | :deafen_members | :move_members | :use_vad | :change_nickname | :manage_nicknames | :manage_roles | :manage_webhooks | :manage_emojis
Union type of all valid permission name atoms.
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(since 0.2.0)
resolvable() :: t() | non_neg_integer() | name() | [resolvable()]
resolvable() :: t() | non_neg_integer() | name() | [resolvable()]
All valid types which can be directly resolved into a permissions bitfield.
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(since 0.1.3)
t() :: %Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: non_neg_integer()}
t() :: %Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: non_neg_integer()}
Represents a Crux.Structs.Permissions.t/0
: The raw bitfield of permission flags.
Link to this section Functions
add(base, to_add)
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(since 0.1.3)
add(base :: resolvable(), to_add :: resolvable()) :: t()
add(base :: resolvable(), to_add :: resolvable()) :: t()
Adds permissions to the base permissions.
iex> :administrator
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.add(:manage_guild)
%Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: 0x28}
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(since 0.2.0)
all() :: pos_integer()
all() :: pos_integer()
Returns the integer value of all permissions summed up.
explicit(member, guild, channel \\ nil)
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(since 0.2.0)
member ::
Crux.Structs.Member.t() | Crux.Structs.User.t() | Crux.Structs.Snowflake.t(),
guild :: Crux.Structs.Guild.t(),
channel :: Crux.Structs.Channel.t() | nil
) :: t()
explicit( member :: Crux.Structs.Member.t() | Crux.Structs.User.t() | Crux.Structs.Snowflake.t(), guild :: Crux.Structs.Guild.t(), channel :: Crux.Structs.Channel.t() | nil ) :: t()
Resolves permissions for a user in a guild, optionally including channel permission overwrites.
Raises when the member is not cached.
The administrator flag or being owner implicitly does not grant permissions, see
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(since 0.2.0)
flags() :: %{required(name()) => non_neg_integer()}
flags() :: %{required(name()) => non_neg_integer()}
Returns a map of all permissions.
has(have, want)
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(since 0.1.3)
has(have :: resolvable(), want :: resolvable()) :: boolean()
has(have :: resolvable(), want :: resolvable()) :: boolean()
Check whether the second permissions are all present in the first.
# Administrator won't grant any other permissions
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.has(0x8, Crux.Structs.Permissions.all())
# Resolving a list of `permissions_name`s
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.has([:send_messages, :view_channel, :read_message_history], [:send_messages, :view_channel])
# Resolving different types of `permissions`s
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.has(:administrator, 0x8)
# In different order
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.has(0x8, :administrator)
implicit(member, guild, channel \\ nil)
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(since 0.2.0)
member ::
Crux.Structs.Member.t() | Crux.Structs.User.t() | Crux.Structs.Snowflake.t(),
guild :: Crux.Structs.Guild.t(),
channel :: Crux.Structs.Channel.t() | nil
) :: t()
implicit( member :: Crux.Structs.Member.t() | Crux.Structs.User.t() | Crux.Structs.Snowflake.t(), guild :: Crux.Structs.Guild.t(), channel :: Crux.Structs.Channel.t() | nil ) :: t()
Resolves permissions for a user in a guild, optionally including channel permission overwrites.
Raises when the member is not cached.
The guild-wide administrator flag or being owner implicitly grants all permissions, see
missing(have, want)
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(since 0.2.0)
missing(resolvable(), resolvable()) :: t()
missing(resolvable(), resolvable()) :: t()
Similar to has/2
but returns a Crux.Structs.Permissions.t/0
of the missing permissions.
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.missing([:send_messages, :view_channel], [:send_messages, :view_channel, :embed_links])
%Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: 0x4000}
# Administrator won't implicilty grant other permissions
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.missing([:administrator], [:send_messages])
%Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: 0x800}
# Everything set
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.missing([:kick_members, :ban_members, :view_audit_log], [:kick_members, :ban_members])
%Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: 0}
# No permissions
iex> Crux.Structs.Permissions.missing([:send_messages, :view_channel], [])
%Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: 0}
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(since 0.2.0)
names() :: [name()]
names() :: [name()]
Returns a list of all permission keys.
new(permissions \\ 0)
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(since 0.1.3)
new(permissions :: resolvable()) :: t()
new(permissions :: resolvable()) :: t()
Creates a new Crux.Structs.Permissions.t/0
from a valid resolvable/0
remove(base, to_remove)
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(since 0.1.3)
remove(base :: resolvable(), to_remove :: resolvable()) :: t()
remove(base :: resolvable(), to_remove :: resolvable()) :: t()
Removes permissions from the base permissions
iex> [0x8, 0x10, 0x20]
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.remove([0x10, 0x20])
%Crux.Structs.Permissions{bitfield: 0x8}
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(since 0.1.3)
resolve(permissions :: resolvable()) :: non_neg_integer()
resolve(permissions :: resolvable()) :: non_neg_integer()
Resolves a resolvable/0
into a bitfield representing the set permissions.
# A single bitflag
iex> 0x8
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.resolve()
# A single name
iex> :administrator
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.resolve()
# A list of bitflags
iex> [0x8, 0x4]
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.resolve()
# A list of names
iex> [:administrator, :ban_members]
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.resolve()
# A mixture of both
iex> [:manage_roles, 0x400, 0x800, :add_reactions]
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.resolve()
# An empty list
iex> []
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.resolve()
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(since 0.1.3)
to_list(permissions :: resolvable()) :: [name()]
to_list(permissions :: resolvable()) :: [name()]
Serializes permissions into a list of set name/0
iex> 0x30
...> |> Crux.Structs.Permissions.to_list()
[:manage_guild, :manage_channels]
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(since 0.1.3)
to_map(permissions :: resolvable()) :: %{required(name()) => boolean()}
to_map(permissions :: resolvable()) :: %{required(name()) => boolean()}
Serializes permissions into a map keyed by name/0
with a boolean indicating whether the permission is set.